Documents and Publications

Showing 11 - 20 of 27

PIDMR– EOSC PID Meta Resolver

Published on:

Bingert, Sven; Zamani, Themis

The PID Meta Resolver is a generalized resolver for mapping items into records. The PID Meta Resolver will know where to route different types of identifiers – e.g. DOI or URN:NBN....Read more

101 Views 41 Downloads

CAT - The Compliance Assessment toolkit

Published on:

Zamani, Themis

The Compliance Assessment Toolkit will support the EOSC PID policy with services to encode, record, and query compliance with the policy....Read more

121 Views 65 Downloads

MSCR - Metadata Schema and Crosswalk Registry

Published on:

Kesäniemi, Joonas

The MSCR allows registered users and communities to create, register and version schemas and crosswalks with PIDs. The published content can be searched, browsed and downloaded without restrictions....Read more

141 Views 68 Downloads

DTR - EOSC Data Type Registry

Published on:

Lienhop, Hans

The EOSC Data Type Registry (DTR) allows the registration of many different data types. The goal is to achieve a high degree in machine actionability and interoperability in the management of structured research data....Read more

136 Views 58 Downloads

Archiving Source Code in Software Heritage

Published on:

Gruenpeter, Morane

Software Heritage, the universal source code archive, has the ambitious goal to collect, preserve and share all publicly available software in source code form....Read more

123 Views 72 Downloads

Archive your software to Software Heritage

Published on:

Zamani, Themis; Tsalapatis, Agelos; Koumantaros, Kostas

Software Heritage, the universal source code archive, has the ambitious goal to collect, preserve and share all publicly available software in source code form....Read more

128 Views 66 Downloads

Software Heritage plenary session 02.06.2023: swMATH and Software Heritage

Published on:

Azzouz-Thuderoz, Maxence; Malla Mohamad, Shiraz

swMATH has presented how to use the Software Heritage webhook at the Software Heritage plenary session of 02.06.2023...Read more

112 Views 69 Downloads

Software as a first class output in the scholarly ecosystem

Published on:

Gruenpeter, Morane

Introduction for the DataCite Webinar "DOIs for Research Software: Increasing Visibility, Connectivity, Citability" about Software as a first class output in the scholarly ecosystem. The presentation includes the following topics:...Read more

646 Views 424 Downloads

FAIRCORE4EOSC: Developing EOSC-Core components to enable a FAIR EOSC ecosystem

Published on:

Suominen, Tommi

On 30 March 2023, FAIR Digital Object (FDO) Forum organised a workshop providing an “Overview about FDO/PID related Projects.” This workshop gathered present projects currently being funded or in a planning phase that has a relation to PIDs and/or FDOs and which have not yet been...Read more

154 Views 86 Downloads

An overview of the metadata landscape & descriptive metadata curation

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Gruenpeter, Morane

This presentation was part of the Research Software workshop, co-located event with the RDA P20 in Gothenburg. An overview of the current landscape of metadata vocabularies and tools to support descriptive metadata curation using different platforms and the CodeMeta vocabulary....Read more

264 Views 143 Downloads