Documents and Publications

Showing 1 - 10 of 58

zbMATH <-> PIDGraph integration demo dataset

Published on:

Bennett, Mike; Azzouz-Thuderoz, Maxence; Malla Mohamad, Shiraz; DataCite; FIZ Karlsruhe – Leibniz Institute for Information Infrastructure

This dataset is a sample of the records ingested into the FAIRCORE4EOSC PIDGraph ( from the Mathematics Case Study, which will form part of t...Read more

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Climate Change Case Study: How FAIRCORE4EOSC services can help Earth System Scientists

Published on:

Kruess, Beate

Within the Horizon Europe project FAIRCORE4EOSC, the German Climate Computing Center (DKRZ) is exploring the integration of FAIR-enhancing services from the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) with the infrastructure of the European Network for Earth System Modeling (IS-ENES)....Read more

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How do the FC4E components improve our workflow? Perspectives from our user communities.

Published on:

Adloff, Fanny; Elbers, Willem; Azzouz-Thuderoz, Maxence; Nikkanen, Joonas; Ariyo, Chris; Krüss, Beate; Flügel, Anna-Lena

Presentation of Case Studies from the FAIRCORE4EOSC Project, presented at the FAIRFest in DenHaag, 20.- 21. February 2025....Read more

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Climate Change case study: RAiD, DTR and MSCR definitions

Published on:

Kruess, Beate

This document illustrates some of the RAiD, DTR and MSCR definitions that have been established for the Climate Change case study....Read more

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Interoperability between Data Spaces in Climate Science : Using DTR to specify STAC Catalogs defined as FDO

Published on:

Widmann, Heinrich; Anders, Ivonne; Kulüke, Marco; Kruess, Beate; Peters-von Gehlen, Karsten

Interoperability between data spaces in climate research remains a significant challenge....Read more

41 Views 25 Downloads


Published on:

Elbers, Willem

This is a set of data type definitions created in the Data Type Registry (DTR) and used for the FAIRCORE4EOSC SSH Case Study....Read more

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Research Activity Identifier (RAiD) - FAIRfest 2025: F for Findability

Published on:

Cannizzaro, Giacomo; Tatum, Clifford

Presentation about RAiD (the Research Activity iDentifier) given at the FAIRfest 2025 conference in The Hague (NL), during the "F for Findability: Persistent Identifiers & Knowledge Graph" session. ...Read more

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F for Findability: Persistent Identifiers and Knowledge Graphs

Published on:

Nordling, Josefine; Manghi, Paolo; Kálmán, Tibor; van Horik, René; van Lieshout, Natascha; Tatum, Clifford; Cannizzaro, Giacomo; Hugo, Wim; Bingert, Sven; Bennett, Mike

In the digital landscape of research data management, Persistent Identifiers (PIDs) play a crucial role in enhancing the discoverability and accessibility of academic outputs. This session will explore the multifaceted framework of PIDs and their impact on research findability....Read more

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Project deliverable

Deliverable D6.1 | Report on Standardisation and Curation of Software Metadata and PIDs

Published on:

Gruenpeter, Morane; Granger, Sabrina; Monteil, Alain; Sadowska, Jozefina; Nivault, Estelle; Ioannidis, Alex; Azzouz-Thuderoz, Maxence; Wagner, Michael; Bozaci, Saadet; Wimalaratne, Sarala; Bingert, Sven; Cakir, Göksenin

The FAIRCORE4EOSC report on standardisation and curation of software metadata and PIDs is an implementation overview and roadmap of the efforts achieved by infrastructures in the evolving European landscape of research software....Read more

117 Views 106 Downloads

EOSC collaborative frontiers to achieve interoperability and enhance scholarly data

Published on:

Amodeo, Stefania; Vergoulis, Thanasis; Papadopoulou, Elli; Buys, Matthew; Mannocci, Andrea; Malaguarnera, Giulia

This unconference session included four presentations as part of the EOSC Symposium 2024 held in Berlin and explored advancements in scholarly data interoperability within EOSC....Read more

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