Documents and Publications
Climate Change Case Study: How FAIRCORE4EOSC services can help Earth System Scientists
Published on:
Kruess, Beate
Within the Horizon Europe project FAIRCORE4EOSC, the German Climate Computing Center (DKRZ) is exploring the integration of FAIR-enhancing services from the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) with the infrastructure of the European Network for Earth System Modeling (IS-ENES)....Read more
Case study Climate Change : How Earth System Science benefits from FAIRCORE4EOSC components
Published on:
Flügel, Anna-Lena; Beate, Krüss; Widmann, Heinrich; Thiemann, Hannes; Kindermann, Stephan; Adloff, Fanny
Climate change is one of the most pressing global challenges, and researchers from various disciplines are working together on it....Read more
FAIRCORE4EOSC poster (June 2023)
Published on:
Drago, Federico
FAIRCORE4EOSC is developing a set of nine EOSC-Core components necessary to enable a FAIR EOSC ecosystem, leveraging the solutions developed in previous projects and closely collaborating with the wider EOSC community in Horizon Europe....Read more
Software source code preservation, reference and access - A Pillar for Open Science and Reproducibility
Published on:
Douard, David; Zacchiroli, Stefano
Provide services to EOSC partners...Read more