The increasing use of PIDs to reference all types of research results is a major step forward in meeting future requirements for the FAIRness of (research) data. Although this trend is very welcome, new challenges arise in processing these PIDs and integrating them into different research processes. The biggest difficulty is the multitude of systems used to create and maintain PIDs. The challenge is to know which system is responsible for the resolution process, the process that provides the referenced (meta-)data for a PID. A uniform interface that allows PIDs from different systems to be resolved can simplify various processes. The PID Meta Resolver is such an interface and will be extended in the project to integrate different systems.
The PID Meta Resolver is a generalized resolver for mapping items into records. The PID Meta Resolver will know where to route different types of identifiers – e.g. DOI or URN:NBN. The PID Meta Resolver will improve machine based data processing and will allow getting digital object information without in-depth knowledge of the resolution mechanism of different PID systems. That enhances the compilation and analysis of data collections originating not only from different sources but also referenced by different PID systems.
The component will include the following resources:
- Metaresolver backend: The main component that is responsible for the resolution of a PID and the presentation of the metadata of the PID
- API services REST API's that will support the main functionalities of the Metaresolver and allow machine actionability
- UI: A friendly, easy to use UI where different types of users can make use of the Metaresolve
- One place to resolve PID's and provide metadata associated with the referenced resource (if supported by the PID System)
- Provide a generic scalable meta-resolver that can be used to access digital objects referenced by different PID systems.
- Provide a generic and sustainable infrastructure for information about digital objects
- Support a list of well-known and used PID systems
- Easy to use UI with functional consistency for all users
- API endpoints for other systems to use the PID Meta Resolver
- Support researchers in their daily work so as to easily make use of the PIDs (resolution, metadata)
- Centralised resolution service for PID's of various providers to simply workflows.