Metadata Schema and Crosswalk Registry (MSCR)



The MSCR allows registered users and communities to create, register and version schemas and crosswalks with PIDs. The published content can be searched, browsed and downloaded without restrictions. The MSCR also provides an API to facilitate the transformation of data from one schema to another via registered crosswalks. 

The MSCR  provides projects and individual researchers with the possibility to manage their metadata schema and/or relevant metadata schema crosswalks. The schema and crosswalks are shared with the community for reuse and extension supported by  a proper versioning mechanism.


  •     The EOSC MSCR supports registering schemas/crosswalks hosted elsewhere as well hosting them in the repository
  •     It offers basic data management support: PIDs, metadata, versioning and provenance information.
  •     Supports a GUI for visually creating crosswalks between metadata schemas
  •     Provides an API and guidelines for organisations to register and maintain metadata schemas and crosswalks
  •     When registering metadata schema users are able to provide detailed data-type information for fields and attributes using the DTR
  •     Provides a (meta-)data interoperability service that facilitates conversion between metadata schemas
  •     The metadata schema and crosswalk registration process and governance is aligned with the EOSC Provider and Resource onboarding process (currently operated by EOSC Future)
  •     The  MSCR will be integrated with all relevant EOSC-Core services: AAI, monitoring and helpdesk

The MSCR will facilitate better interoperability between resource catalogues and information systems using different (metadata) schema and encourage organisations and especially researchers to share their metadata interoperability work by registering publishing the metadata crosswalks used in their workflows that are currently not visible  (FAIRification). By providing an easy to use GUI for creating crosswalks , the GUI will attract users currently relying on project specific solutions. Specific typing of schema attributes using the DTR will better enable operationalising the created metadata crosswalks.

In a research department the the researchers use a workflow to  prepare data after downloading from one or more repositories for further processing which includes translating the metadata using a special conversion script (crosswalk) into another metadata schema needed by the processing software. The department's researchers have from time to make small changes to the script since the metadata schema of the downloaded resources change or requirements of the processing software change, which they document separately, but there is no agreed way to do this nor a need since they are in close contact and inform one-another. However the crosswalk can not be explicitly referred to in publications and also when a bigger project starts with more collaborating researchers, new to the topic,  from different departments that plan to use the same workflow but using different versions of the processing software; crosswalk management becomes difficult.  The MSCR can help in this situation in a number of ways.

  1. When depositing the involved metadata schema and crosswalks in the MSCR, it offers basic data management services, issuing a DOI/PID for reference in publications (and other research objects eg. DMPs), metadata for discovery and provenance tracking. The researchers can select from different crosswalk versions and refer to specific versions when needed using a PID.
  2. new crosswalks can be created on the basis of  old existing versions by making use of a special graphic mapping tool, provided by the MSCR, and information about changes is automatically kept.
  3. The metadata crosswalks are discoverable by other researchers because the crosswalk metadata is being harvested/registered  by semantic artefacts catalogues eg. FAIRsharing.


  1. Beta Release :
  2. Source Code:
  3. User Guide:
  4. Release Notes:



  1. MSCR UI application available in where users can login and register semantic artifacts.
  2. EOSC Beyond AAI is being used for the authentication in MSCR.
  3. User can register metadata Schemas in MSCR and currently supported formats are CSV, JSON, PDF, SKOSRDF, XSD, XML and SHACL.
  4. Users can also register already available crosswalks between schemas. Supported crosswalk file formats are CSV, PDF, XSLT and SSSOM.
  5. Crosswalk Editor where user can create mappings between schemas of different formats. Supported formats that crosswalk editor can currently process are JSON, CSV, XSD, SHACL and SKOSRDF. Created Crosswalks can be downloaded for further use in XSLT and RML format.
  6. Contents registration can happen either in personal workspace or group workspace which suits the user need.
  7. Users can search and browse registered schemas and crosswalks available in MSCR Registry with resolvable PIDs. Registered content can also be downloaded for use.