Aggregating technical specifications for the new EOSC-Core Components

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March 2023 Newsletter

FAIRCORE4EOSC Project Briefing #3

Aggregating technical specifications for the new
EOSC-Core Components

The third FAIRCORE4EOSC Briefing is now out!

In this issue, the project provides an overview of the latest technical updates, the progress on case studies and related requirements, and the major project's achievements. Furthermore, the Briefing summarizes the upcoming meetings and external events planned by FAIRCORE4EOSC.

Read the latest briefing release and discover how FAIRCORE4EOSC makes progress on improving the discoverability of research outputs and facilitating open science!

Download the latest Project Briefing

 EOSC-Core Components

FAIRCORE4EOSC is developing a set of nine EOSC-Core components necessary to enable a FAIR EOSC ecosystem, improving the discoverability and interoperability of an increased amount of research outputs. 

Discover three of them in this newsletter!

By providing vocabulary services, API services, and user-friendly interfaces, the Compliance Assessment Toolkit plays a crucial role in supporting EOSC PID Policy. In a nutshell, CAT will consist of a set of concepts, implemented as a graph database and accessible via APIs. 
How could we facilitate better interoperability between resources and informations systems? The Metadata Schema and Crosswalk Registry provides a solution! The MSCR enables registered users to create, register and version schemas and crosswalks with PIDs. Additionally, it provides an API to facilitate the transformation of data from one schema to another via registered crosswalks.
Registrating and assigning a PID to a data type, reusing registered data types to build complex data types, and updating data type information — these are only some of the functionalities of the EOSC Data Type Registry Component. This will consequently enable a machine-actionable standardization of PID metadata for general-purpose research data objects.

 Case Studies

Attention math researchers! zbMATH Open and swMATH provide web gateways for mathematical data and software, but did you know that these services are not integrated with EOSC-Core? Check out how this impacts access to math-related resources to enrich their metadata by interlinking to other objects (e.g., organisations, authors, datasets, services) via the EOSC graph technologies and overall widen their visibility to other disciplines, users, and services via the EOSC.

Research Software Workshop: guidelines and metrics for metadata curation (co-located with RDAP20)

On 24 March, FAIRCORE4EOSC and FAIR-IMPACT are conducting the "Research Software Workshop: guidelines and metrics for metadata curation", co-located with the RDA Plenary 2023 in Gothenburg (Sweden).

During the workshop, the strategy pyramid for Culture Change will be discussed as it relates to the European projects FAIR-IMPACT and FAIRCORE4OSC. 

New ISO Standard Published for RAiD

Discover how the Australian Research Data Commons (ARDC) led the drafting of the new ISO Standard for Research Activity Identifier (RAiD), how this contributes to an internationally recognised system enabling systematic management of information, accurate project reporting and research assessment, which will be introduced to
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