FAIRCORE4EOSC Project Advances Towards Final Release with Key Service and Case Study Milestones in Latest Briefing
The FAIRCORE4EOSC project wrapped up a productive quarter with major strides in technical development and case study applications, detailed in the latest Project Briefing #9.
Service development surged as the project prepared for its final release stages. The Vocabulary Tool now integrates a Persistent Identifier (PID) provider, while the Compliance Assessment Toolkit added case study-specific features and expanded its Knowledge Base. RDGraph and PIDGraph saw deeper RAiD integrations, enhancing data links and API performance. The Data Type Registry (DTR) neared production readiness with new user guidance, and the Metadata Schema and Crosswalk Registry (MSCR) advanced support for flexible data mappings. Meanwhile, RAiD development focused on access and administration framework improvements, setting up for future scalability.
Case study teams achieved several key goals: the Mathematics team exposed articles and software metadata through DataCite on the MaRDI infrastructure, readying for PIDGraph integration. The Social Sciences and Humanities team deployed a beta Digital Object gateway with DTR integration, enhancing PIDGraph compatibility. The Climate Change team applied RAiD and DTR profiles to extend dataset provenance, creating an example of a FAIR Digital Object (FDO) for Earth System Science. Other teams refined crosswalks and metadata standards, integrating components like EUDAT’s Extended Metadata Schema for enhanced data interoperability.
For a closer look at FC4E’s progress, download the full Project Briefing #9!