Aggregating technical specifications for the new EOSC Core Components - FAIRCORE4EOSC Briefing #3 is out!
In this third edition of the FAIRCORE4EOSC Briefing, the project provides an update on the latest achievements, technical updates, and progress on the selected case studies in the past three months.
As FAIRCORE4EOSC came to the end of its Phase 1 focused on the aggregation of technical specifications, the deliverable D1.2 “FAIRCORE4EOSC Technical Specification” marked an important achievement set to boost the development of the nine components.
The development of the FAIRCORE4EOSC case studies has also shown remarkable progress. In particular, the functional requirements for the components have been formalised and most of the cases studies provided a data management plan.
Next, multiple internal and external events are scheduled for the near future to facilitate the work on the BETA release envisaged for November 2023, and extend the project’s outreach.
Read the third Briefing and discover how FAIRCORE4EOSC makes progress on improving the discoverability of research outputs and facilitating open science!