FAIR Practices for FAIR Dataspaces in the German Research Community
On 24 January 2024, FAIRCORE4EOSC partner is taking part in the FAIR-IMPACT’s National Roadshow Series in Germany focusing on "FAIR practices for FAIR Dataspaces in the German research community."
Sven Bingert, GWDG and FAIRCORE4EOSC partner is presenting the FAIRCORE4EOSC PID Meta Resolver (PIDMR), which offers users a single persistent identifier (PID) resolving API in which any kind of PID can be resolved through a single, scalable PID resolving infrastructure. This is one of the nine FAIRCORE4EOSC components, in response to gaps identified in the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA), improving the discoverability and interoperability of an increased amount of research outputs.
The event is virtually hosted by NFDI, the German National Research Data Infrastructure, and will focus on how Germany, and NFDI in particular, is moving forward with the definition and setting up of FAIR Data Spaces as common, cloud-based data spaces for industry and research in compliance with the FAIR Principles, i.e., to share data in a findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable way.
Discover the latest developments and key results of FAIRCORE4EOSC, and explore how our efforts are contributing to the widespread adoption of PIDs for referencing all research outcomes. This significant advancement aligns with future standards for ensuring the fairness of research data.
Download the FAIRCORE4EOSC presentation
Visit the FAIR-IMPACT website for more information: https://fair-impact.eu/events/fair-impact-events/fair-practices-fair-dataspaces-german-research-community