EGU General Assembly in 2023
Taking place between 23-28 April 2023 in a hybrid format both in Vienna and online, the annual General Assembly (EGU23) brings together geoscientists from all over the world for one meeting covering all disciplines of the Earth, planetary, and space sciences. The EGU aims to provide a forum where scientists, especially early career researchers, can present their work and discuss their ideas with experts in all fields of geoscience.
FAIRCORE4EOSC takes part in this event with Hannes Thiemann, Heinrich Widmann, Stephan Kindermann, Fanny Adloff, and Justus von Brandt from DKRZ, as part of the poster presentation on 27 April at 16:15–18:00, with "Challenges of integrating large infrastructures using the example of ENES-CDI and EOSC".
In the Horizon Europe project FAIRCORE4EOSC, the German Climate Computing Center (DKRZ) is involved in the design of further services in the European Open Science Cloud that also meet the requirements of the IS-ENES community and is particularly dedicated to examining and testing the possibility of integrating EOSC and IS-ENES services.
FAIRCORE4EOSC focuses on the development and realisation of further core components for the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). Leveraging existing technologies and services, the project will develop nine new EOSC-Core components aimed at improving the discoverability and interoperability of an increased amount of research outputs. In particular, IS-ENES checks this for selected data collections that have high scientific relevance for both data producers (the climate modellers) and data users from other research disciplines and will be available in the long term, such as those used for the IPCC reports.
Come join us at the EGU2023 and learn the current status of the implementation and its long-term benefits for researchers in IS-ENES and beyond and will highlight some challenges related to the integration of various large infrastructures.
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