Developing Guidelines for Metadata Collection and Curation in Research Software
The aim of this webinar was to present a draft of the FAIR-IMPACT guidelines for the collection and curation of metadata to archive, reference, describe and cite research software. During the webinar inputs were requested from participants on a Q&A document and on a shared Google doc. The guidelines were developed by the FAIR-IMPACT "Standard metadata for research software" team, with joint efforts of the other partners in the FAIR-IMPACT project and the FAIRCORE4EOSC project.
Goal of the event
During the webinar FAIR-IMPACT shew its exploration research software landscape, showcasing different guidelines and metadata vocabularies. FAIR-IMPACT also addressed the need for standardized guidelines for collecting and curating metadata for all types of research objects, not only for researchers and developers but also for reviewers/moderators and publishers who handle software in their publication workflow.
The event surveyed the ecosystem of scholarly infrastructures and review existing guidelines in this area, integrating feedback from the research community.
The goal of the webinar was to foster coordination and collaboration among various relevant projects and organizations, including the EOSC Task Forces, the CodeMeta Initiative, the FORCE11 Software Implementation WG, the joint FORCE11, RDA & ReSA FAIR for Research Software WG, the RDA Software Source Code IG, and the FAIRCORE4EOSC project, to ensure that the guidelines developed by FAIR-IMPACT are implemented in a collaborative and integrated manner.
Furthermore, the event identified the required minimum metadata-set to archive, reference, describe and cite research software, and verify if it can be sufficiently described to answer different reuse and reproducibility use cases. Finally, FAIR-IMPACT discusswed the normalization efforts of CodeMeta and its crosswalk table to extend interoperability, as well as exploring possible synergies with initiatives such as FAIR Computational Workflow principles and community efforts like Bioschemas.
In conclusion, this webinar provided an overview of the guidelines for the collection and curation of metadata to archive, reference, describe and cite research software. This webinar was the only live event to contribute to the finalization of the guidelines, due to the EU commission at the end of June 2023.
Who attended
The larger research software community was invited to participate and provide input, including all types of stakeholders in the scholarly ecosystem.
Agenda Points
- Research Software in the FAIR-IMPACT project
- Preparing the guidelines - a large community effort
- D4.4 Guidelines for recommended metadata standard for research software within EOSC
- Questions and Answers
- How to contribute after this webinar?
Morane Gruenpeter, Inria, Software Heritage
After several years as a professional harpist, found a new career path in software engineering. In 2017, Morane joined the Software Heritage team at the Inria research center while finishing a Master's degree in Computer Science at the University Pierre et Marie Curie. During 2018-2019, she continued her research in collaboration with the European EU2020 CROSSMINER project on the software metadata challenge with the mission of building the Semantic Web of FOSS projects. Morane was also project manager of the HAL-SWH integration, enabling research software deposits on the French national archive. Morane is an active member of several working groups for Open Science and digital preservation, including the Research Data Alliance’s Software Source Code Interest Group (SSC IG), the FORCE11’s Software Citation Implementation Working Group (SCI WG), the joint RDA, ReSA & FORCE11 FAIR for Research Software (FAIR4RS), and Scicodes consortium. She is currently FAIR-IMPACT’s Task 4.3 lead and leads the FAIRCORE4EOSC research software activities on Work Package 6 and on the RSAC component (Research Software APIs and connectors)