2024 Coordination meeting of EOSC-related projects funded under Horizon Europe

The 2024 edition of the “Coordination Meeting of EOSC-Related Projects Funded Under Horizon Europe” will take place on 20-21 June in Brussels. The event will gather representatives from project consortia, the European Commission, the Research Executive Agency, and the EOSC Association.

The event will serve as a key platform for stakeholders to share insights, tackle challenges, and strengthen the EOSC ecosystem. Don’t miss this chance to connect with the community shaping the future of Open Science in Europe!

FAIRCORE4EOSC at the Event

Among the 25 invited projects, FAIRCORE4EOSC will be represented by Paolo Manghi, who will contribute his expertise across multiple project roles. The meeting will also feature sessions led by key stakeholders, including Clifford Tatum on sustainability and Wim Hugo on federating services and core components of EOSC.

This gathering will provide a significant opportunity to align project contributions and drive the implementation of the EOSC European Partnership and its Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA).

Visit the official event page: https://eosc.eu/events/2024-coordination-meeting-of-eosc-related-projects-funded-under-horizon-europe/

2024 Coordination meeting of EOSC-related projects
External event
Brussels, Belgium